Earth wearing face mask

Maybe She’ll Be On Our Team

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


For the Writers of Kern BMBC 10/26

Today I must go to the Post Office before it closes – not scheduled yet, but could happen!

Or I’ll be filing my tax return in October.

All that green beer going to waste in the pubs?


Happy St. patrick's Day sign

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Researchers in Queensland Australia say they have a cure for Covid 19. That will take a while to go global.

Canada asked to stay home, (back to the grocery store before orders come here.)

Yikes – busy day!

Here is a poem I wrote years ago. I pulled it out of the box and smoothed the wrinkled page.

Sneezed  – it’s just dust! I’m not sick.


Maybe She’ll Be On Our Team

Jeannie lived and worked
Before subsidized day care
Before women were paid the 100 cent dollar
(we’re still at 69 cents)
Before we knew about pesticides and childhood leukemia
She seemed a little stiff, a disciplined one
She couldn’t wait to clean up

She made it WORK.

She ran for office in her own way.


She made a not-lived- in model home

She spot-checked and ironed

Her daughter died -even tho’ she learned


why wouldn’t
She want a perfect world –
No fuss no muss.
The thing is SHE DID IT.
So whatever world we want
Maybe she’ll be on our team.

Jeannie Deporter Deceased 04-16-2009

Do you have material in a box somewhere too?


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